Green Technologies Engineering Services


Green Technology (GreenTech) or Clean Technology (CleanTech) and Sustainable Electronics Development are terms that cover a lot of ground.  Advantage Electronic Product Development is committed to work in partnership with our clients to develop new products and systems to enable a more sustainable environment and solve the challenges confronting our world.

By developing electronic devices to control, monitor and conserve resources including those devices that support sustainable management of resources together we can reduce negative ecological impact. The result is a more efficient and responsible use of resources.

Our experience includes Smart Grid system devices, Energy conservation, Energy Harvesting techniques, Demand-side Energy Management, Peak curtailment/leveling & Load adjustment/Load balancing, Green building LEEDS and Net-Zero as well as BlueTechWater Conservation, purification pollution/toxin/germ/ free water and Environmental Remediation Monitoring & Compliance – sensors & other measurement/testing hardware & software systems.

Product Examples